main news about us femail litter puppy card


P-litter from kennel Bolshoe Chudo (1 month At present in our kennel there are no puppies, but we can offer you puppies from kennel "Bolshoe Chudo" (in english "Big Miracle").

  • U-LITTER. 02.18.03 puppies from mother of the Ch Rus the Bolshoe Chudo Nikodim and my girl - BOLSHOE CHUDO VOL'FA and Ch Rus, SBC short-haired BASKERVIL were born. Still have remained short-haired and long-haired female.

    • F-LITTER. 04.06.03 puppies from BOBJ SBC, CC NIKOLAS and BOLSHOE CHUDO ORDANA were born. 4 dogs and 5 females.

    In the near future it is expected litter from NIKOLAS and BOLSHOE CHUDO NOLA (half-sister of mine Pljushka).

    Concerning purchase of puppies address on ph. 07(0932) 37-54-90, 32-96-19 to Irina Korjukina

    In 2003 we expect the first litter from mine female and the Ch.Rus Gargantjua Pantagrjuel' (pedigree)

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