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The owner of kennel Natasha Kokusheva -beginning kinolog-praktik. In 1999 has ended the Moscow Agricultural Academy by К.А. Timiryazev on a speciality zooengenier, specialization - genetics and breeding of animals.
Our kennel while very small - now we have young female BOLSHOE CHUDO PELAGEYA and elderly female BEL'VI DAR SUD'BY of 10.5 years old.

The kennel is in Russia, city Podolsk, near Moscow, capital of the country.

The kennel only begins the work, but already now we can give the basic obligations:
To care of breed;
To build breeding according to the balanced program, to make best, that in our opportunities;
To be honour with all our partners (owners of other kennel, manufacturers and blood female, owners puppys and potential buyers);
To bear responsibility for reliability of all given out documents;
Growing only healthy and strong puppies;
To adhere to the real prices, according to quality puppies (pat-, breeding- and show- class);
Never to sell puppies in improper hands;
To give any help, councils, advice for the owners ours puppies during all life a dog.

The basic tasks:
Popularize of breed;
Breeding and exhibition work in constant contact to conducting domestic and foreign kenneles

Pledge of success - professionalism and conscientiousness.